Legal Services

The attorneys and professionals operating at DusiLaw Legal&Tax provide the following services:

  • Assistance in judicial and extra-judicial, national and international matters; ADR alternative dispute resolution procedures (arbitration and mediation), in addition to the executions of foreign judgments and orders, pursuant to EU Regulations.
  • Assistance to companies in international trade, with special reference to legal matters, organization structure, accounting and tax issues, contracts, product liability, intellectual property rights, and labor law.
  • Interdisciplinary assistance (civil and criminal), in the field of company “criminal liability”, pursuant to Italian legislative decree 231/2001 an company compliance.
  • Assistance in the insurance field, including to Brokers and Agents.
  • In-Court and out-of-Court assistance to specific professionals (e.g. medical Doctors, Accountants, Financial Promoters).
  • Assistance and advice in the financial and tax field, nationally and internationally, VAT, custom duties and import tax, transfer prices, stable organization, M&A, accounting and bookkeeping, feasibility analysis, in cooperation with InterGest Italy, the Italian branch of the French multinational corporation InterGest Worldwide (
  • Assistance in real estate and condominium law.
  • Assistance in banking law.
  • Interdisciplinary counseling in the field of new energies (solar, photovoltaic, biogas and wind).
  • Assistance to private individuals, in the field of succession law, contact law, real estate and labor law.

Assistance to companies

  • Assistance by national and international judicial litigation in the field of civil, company and financial law, EU Regulations, private international law, labor law, intellectual property rights, insolvency procedures, administrative law, mentioning only the main ones.

The professionals operating at DusiLaw Legal&Tax are qualified to act before Courts of first instance, in Courts of Appeal and at the Supreme Italian Court, as well as in ADR procedures (mediation, conciliation and negotiations assisted by at least one lawyer).
The professionals operating at DusiLaw Legal&Tax are furthermore qualified to be appointed as Arbitrators, nominated by the parties, both in ad hoc and in regulated arbitration procedures.

  • Assistance in the negotiation, drafting and execution of national and international, regulated and atypical contracts (e.g.: procurement, supply, distribution, agency, franchising, loan, tender, license/ assignment of trademarks, patent, software, copyright agreements, etc.).
  • Drafting of customized general terms and conditions of contracts, having national and international application.
  • Assistance by the incorporation of companies, branches, associations, joint ventures, trusts, in Italy and abroad (e.g. drafting of by-laws memorandum and articles of association, shareholders’ agreements, covenants, etc.).
  • Assistance in the acquisition and/or reorganization of legal entities.

The professionals at DusiLaw Legal&Tax carry out the relevant due diligence, together with related reports on legal risks and opportunities and draft and revise the required contractual documents (e.g. share purchase agreements, non disclosure agreements, guarantees, options, etc.).

  • Assistance in contract drafting between Clients and Contractors, for the design, development, construction and lease of real estate, including residential, commercial and public interest zones.
  • In and out-of-Court assistance and legal protection of credits, both in Italy and abroad, pursuant to the latest EU applicable laws. DusiLaw Legal&Tax have extensive experience in the execution of foreign decisions in Italy, according to EU Regulations.

Compliance and compliance models, pursuant to the Italian legislative decree 231/2001 – “criminal liability” of companies

  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists by drafting of customized company ethical codes and compliance models (Modelli di Organizzazione), according to the Italian national law (D.Lgs 231/2001, criminal liability of companies), with particular attention for the specific business dynamics, aiming to release the Client companies from such criminal liability, which may threaten the survival of companies.
  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax also advises the competent control entity (Organismo di Vigilanza) and offers tutoring, as well as customized and dedicated tutorials to companies.

Accounting and tax, national and international assistance

  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists Client companies in their process of internationalization, also in the field of national and international accounting.

The specific administrative, economic, financial and accounting advice, includes also the outlining of the legal and accounting framework of each project, as well as the analysis of feasibility (in terms of costs and benefits) of the single activities, to be implemented abroad, the consideration of the fiscal impact according to local applicable regulations, as well as custom duties and possible fiscal benefits.

  • For the above mentioned services, including payroll management, DusiLaw Legal&Tax collaborates with InterGest Italy, the Italian branch of the French multinational corporation InterGest Worldwide (


  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax has extensive experience in advising companies in the insurance field (insurance companies directly and insurance company’s own Clients) in application of national laws, as well as EU Regulations and also in the drafting of general and individual terms and conditions of insurance and re-insurance contracts.
  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists its Clients by insurance claims, in and out-of-Court, and, furthermore, provides preliminary advice to identify the most appropriate corporate structure to act in this field. DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists insurance companies also in their relationship with the competent Italian (IVASS) and foreign official supervisory Authorities, aiming to solve possible issues, in connection with the application of the relevant mandatory regulations.
  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax also assists Brokers, aiming to minimize the liability arising from their professional activity. DusiLaw Legal&Tax, furthermore, advises Insurance Agencies in their relationship with the insurance companies and the control authority, aiming to optimize their internal structure.

DusiLaw Legal&Tax, moreover, assists Italian and foreign insured End Clients in this specific field, representing and protecting their rights in Italy.

Assistance to professionals

During the past ten years the compensation claims based on liability of Professionals, operating in various fields among which medical Doctors, financial Promoters, Accountants, company Directors, other Experts and Consultants, have dramatically increased.

Clients are progressively more conscious and aware of their legal rights and remedies. For this reason, when the final result of the service does not meet Clients’ expectations, claims and judicial actions are often filed.

  • For the overall protection of the Professionals, DusiLaw Legal&Tax advising activity starts with the drafting of contracts (we strongly recommend that Professionals must have a contract in place with their own Clients), up to the judicial defense.

Assistance in the field of product liability

  • The new European and Italian regulations, which are in constant evolution and are applicable both to national and multinational companies, are very strict in the manufacture process and in the sale of products on the market.
  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax has extensive expertise and know how in advising companies in this field, where law prescriptions, in most cases, cumulate civil liability with criminal sanctions.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists Clients by the protection of copyrights, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.

DusiLaw Legal&Tax, furthermore, has extensive expertise in drafting national and international license agreements, for the use of intellectual property rights, outlining the most appropriate legal framework for each project, as well as the best strategy for the Client.

Real Estate

  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists in the field of real estate, by advising, drafting and revising contracts, in connection with the development and building of real estates projects, including residential, commercial and public interest zones.
  • DusiLaw Legal&Tax has furthermore extensive expertise in tender, national and international sale and lease contracts, as well as compliance in building trade.

DusiLaw Legal&Tax also advises Estate Agencies and Building Managers.


DusiLaw Legal&Tax provides legal advice and assistance in judicial and extrajudicial matters of banking and financial intermediation law, with special reference to:

  • contractual relationships between financial advisors and banks (including termination of the respective contracts);
  • disputes between clients and financial intermediaries for alleged non-performance of financial brokers and claims relating to investment services (civil, criminal and CONSOB – Italian surveillance Authority for the capital market- proceedings);
  • liability of the bank arising from banking services: bank contracts, usury and compound interests, loans, bank guarantees and other securities, mortgages and other irregularities, which are punishable under civil and criminal laws, as well as (CONSOB – Italian surveillance Authority for the capital market) regulations.

Assistance in the field of renewable energies

DusiLaw Legal&Tax has extensive experience, through large legal mandates from established national and international companies, in the field of wind, photovoltaic and biogas plants. DusiLaw Legal&Tax has developed a wide range of expertise in handling all types of renewable energy projects and offers interdisciplinary legal advice in the following activities:

  • support to national and international companies in the participation to tender in the Italian territory, aiming to obtain the necessary authorizations from the Italian public administration, in order to realize the power plants;
  • preliminary legal due diligence on documents and subsequently at the power plant, in order to issue a legal opinion, with a detailed report of risks and recommendations, on the feasibility of the Client’s project;
  • assistance by contract negotiations for the implementation of the Client’s power plant;
  • support in the application for funding, according to Italian and European laws;
  • assistance in the realization of power plants, construction of systems, with particular focus on liability and risks, according to the applicable Italian law on environment (Testo Unico Ambientale, D.lvo 03.04.2006 n° 152 and following modifications).

Assistance to private individuals

DusiLaw Legal&Tax assists private individuals, with special reference to:

  • Succession law;
  • Contract law and negotiations;
  • Labor and Insurance law;
  • Real estate, including: sale contracts, tenancy law and Condominium law.